Legislative Priorities

The Colorado Association of School Nurses (CASN) closely monitors school nursing-related legislation in the General Assembly of the State of Colorado.

The CASN Lobbyist, Diana Protopapa at ProtoStrategies, advises the CASN Legislative Committee with monthly meetings from August to June each year. These virtual meetings are typically held around lunchtime on the 3rd Thursday of each month. Any CASN member is welcome to get involved in these meetings and we welcome new members and different nursing perspectives during our discussions. Please contact Kelli Mueller, our legislative co-chair, kjmueller@dcsdk12.org for more information or to be added to the invite.

For the 24/25 legislative session, the CASN Legislative Committee anticipates working with our CASN lobbyist and Colorado legislators to support legislation that improves the health, safety and wellbeing of Colorado students. For example, the committee has worked to increase funding towards school-based health programs (SBHP), and to increase funding for school nursing positions across the state. We advocate for equitable student health and wellness where new legislation intersects with the goals and mission of CASN. We are fortunate to have Diana’s passion for school nursing and her legislative experience and expertise to help CASN advocate on behalf of all Colorado children.