Board Members

To contact the Colorado Association of School Nurses (CASN), please use their website contact form.

If you are a member of CASN, you may send an email to a member of the board.  Click on the member's name and then select SEND MESSAGE.

Executive Board

President 2024-2025: Tammy Jeffery

President-Elect 2024-2025: Nicole Mar

Past President 2024-2025: Teresa Ross 

NASN Director 2021-2025: Laura Phillips

Secretary 2023-2025: Sarah Phillips

Treasurer 2022-2024:  Denise Nelson 

Treasurer-Elect 2023-2025: Mary Schmitt

Past Treasurer 2024-25: Churee Pardee

CDE State School Nurse Consultant: Sarah Blumenthal

General Board

Education Chair: open position

Historian: open position

Legislative Chair(s): Kelli Meuller

Membership Chair: Jennifer Poticha

Merchandising Chair: Denise Nelson

Website/ Social Media: open position